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Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Suns Healing Rays, Solstice Blessings and Happy Fathers Day, a tale from deep within

Summer Solstice Blessings and Happy Fathers Day!!! 

Today is a powerful day the falling of two holidays and the connection between personal events and events in the world. The masculine parts of ourselves need healing, we need to heal ourselves to heal the world. So, I look within...

Today is filled with Joy and Pain, for myself and the world. The recent events across the world have left many hurt and wounded, tensions are high, anger and pain on all sides, this has been growing and will continue until we heal. Now I can't expect others to do what I am not personally able to do, so today marks an important day for me. 

My relationship with my own Father has been far from ideal. I tried connecting with him my entire life, but he is emotionally unavailable. I have to let go of pain and anger for him not being there, abandoning me when I needed him the most and not protecting me when a child should be protected. I tried pleasing him as a child and adult, I wanted him to notice me and spend time with me. I wanted attention and needed the Love I desperately desired from him. I even tried to connect with him and impress him by going to the same college, I learned golf so I could possibly play with him and I sat through hours of football I did not like just to spend time with him. I desperately wanted him to Love me, he gave me what he could. I have not spoken or seen my father in years. I am thankful for what he could give me, nice things and a excellent education. I have broken relations with my entire family in self preservation, it was the best thing for me to do to heal myself.

I was blessed, by a second father in my life. My Father in Law he was one of the most amazing people I have ever met.  He passed away this year. He was loved by all, not a bad word could be spoken about this man. He raised 3 beautiful loving children and he gave all of himself to the world. He was a true hero. He loved me and accepted me as his own. I can still hear his voice and he still lives on within each of his children and grandchildren. I feel him with me and I miss him.

Happy Fathers Day to both of my Fathers, I love and miss both of you very much. I forgive you Dad for your shortcomings and I know you gave me the best you were capable of.

Here comes the Sun-Beatles

In the recent most tragic events in Charleston. I was deeply moved, deeply moved by how the victims family and friends handled themselves and sent a even bigger message to the world. No matter what faith or non faith you come from, I believe there is a lesson to be learned by us all. They gave Forgiveness...Forgiveness is how we heal personally and as a society. 

I feel this is the "Divine Masculine's" brightest side shining brightly through, it illustrates great strength and power. In all the darkness around the situation, there is Beautiful light, the Beautiful light of Forgiveness.

The Divine Masculine Archetypes and Healing

Archetypes are unlimited. Everyone is different. Each of us is here to dance in the way that is unique to us. The following are some of the archetypes I have met on my own journey as a Shaman and Priestess to The Divine Mother and Father. In the inward journey of the soul, we celebrate the light and the dark. The shadow illuminates that which needs to be healed. The light guides and indicates direction. Remember: Do not judge, for everything in the end is divine.

The Patriarchal Dark Father:  He is the energy of totalitarianism, the authority figure, all about manipulation and control. The Dark Father sees the feminine energy as less than himself. In reality he is afraid of the power of the feminine vision; deep down he understands that in the face of Her love, nothing can be deceived. He is deception, control, manipulation and loss of innocence through senseless acts of violence and brutality. This energy is not male. It is a disease because of the suppression of the divine feminine and divine masculine principles. It is a raging illness that culturally and individually it is time for us to let go of. Stop seeing this archetype as the masculine. Be brave and watch what happens. 

The Good Son:  He is the son and henchman of the Dark Father. Often the one to do the dirty work. He never takes responsibility for anything. It is never his fault. He is just doing his job. He’s not the boss and he doesn’t make policy; but boy can he implement it. Diligent and effective, he has often been brutalized by the Dark Father. Seeking his love and approval, he looses himself in the process of never obtaining it. Often he will evolve into the Dark Father through bitterness, attachment to external validation and lack of unconditional love and acceptance. He is part of the patriarchal illness. He is Not of the Divine Masculine Principle

The Sun King:  The first archetype that reflects the natural order of Divine Masculine Energy he is the illumination of the wisdom of the Sacred Masculine. He hears the Divine Mother’s insight and direction and comes up with a plan. He is never depressed and never feels like it can’t be done. He is the wind beneath your sails; there is nothing that you can’t do. He is warmth, compassion and unconditional in his wisdom and love. He celebrates the dance between the feminine and masculine principles and is honoured in the Celtic tribal traditions through the Eight Festivals, i.e. Samhain, Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas, and Autumn Equinox.

The Merlin: He is gatekeeper to the Sacred Mysteries. He is of the Earth but travels extensively in the other worlds. He is like the veil or mist, seen but not seen. He is known to appear at the right time only to disappear again. His Power and Wisdom lie in his ability to facilitate a reclaiming of our personal power. He is dedicated to the releasing of the suppressed feminine and masculine principles; and is ever present in the journey. Winter and Autumn are his favourite seasons. 

The Prince Consort: He is the counter part to the High Priestess. He is that part of ourselves that emerges only after we re-claim the Divine Feminine within. The Prince Consort remained trapped in the Netherworld (not of the spirit world and not of the earth world) helpless to act when the Dark Father seized control of the Earth Mother. His role is to facilitate and support the energies of the Divine Feminine. For it is the High Priestess Morgainna who rescued him from the Netherworld. Aspects of him have emerged throughout history as in the Knights of the Round Table. He represents the ideal of youthful gallant, self-sacrificing for the greater cause, male energy. He is the Stag Prince.

The Gentle Sage: He is the Divine Male in action. He knows what to do and he does it. Rarely acknowledged for his wisdom or actions, he is a constant surprise, for he can shape shift to meet the needs of any situation that evolves on the Earth Plane existence. Other examples are the Green Man, Herbal Wisdom and The Green Fire.

The Gentle King: He is the wise and tolerant ruler. Representing the Soul’s resources, he is able to tap into the Akashic Records. He understands and reflects a love for humanity even when they don’t deserve it. For the Gentle King is wise to the ways of the world and will always act as an example, never using force or control. The gentle King embodies the will of the One Heart, One Understanding, One Teaching. (e.g., Acknaton, and King Arthur) 

Christ-Buddha-Krishna: If you have difficulty with religious or philosophical teachings than do not use this archetype until you are ready. There is so much separation and duality that has been caused by the misinterpretation of The Ascended Masters Teachings. Focus on the Teachings of Christ; not on the Church or other organized realities. Unresolved issues with church and state may come up. The Christ-Buddha-Krishna archetype is one of my best friends. This archetype is an unbelievable source of inner-strength resources and inner peace and is represented by the colour gold. This energy says:  I am learning to love and be loved. I am worthy of receiving love and support and abundance in all area’s of my life. Set your spirit free and trust the deeper wisdom’s of love and acceptance. - See more at:

Previous Post "Tantric Marriage"

Forgive ourselves, Forgive others, guide ourselves toward Love, Compassion, Unity, Peace, Healing and Forgiveness.

Song: Litha (Summer Solstice Song)
Artist: Lisa Thiel
Album: Circle Of The Seasons

I am the fire that burns within your soul
I am the Holy light that fills and makes you whole
I am the Flame within, that never dies
I am the sun that will ever arise

Power of the Sun we honor you this night
We leap across the fire to keep our spirits bright
Power of the Sun, fire in the night
We leave behind, that which blinds, to restore our sight 

I am the fire that clears away the old
I am the holy light that guides you to your soul
I am the Flame Of Love for which you yearn
I am the sun that will always return 

Power of the Sun we honor you this night
We leap across the fire to keep our spirits bright
Power of the Sun, fire in the night
We leave behind, that which blinds, to restore our sight 

I am the fire that burns within your soul
I am the Holy light that fills and makes you whole
I am the Flame within, that never dies
I am the sun that will ever arise

Power of the Sun we honor you this night
We leap across the fire to keep our spirits bright
Power of the Sun, fire in the night
We leave behind, that which blinds, to restore our sight

I am the fire that clears away the old
I am the holy light that guides you to your soul
I am the Flame Of Love for which you yearn
I am the sun that will always return 

Power of the Sun we honor you this night
We leap across the fire to keep our spirits bright
Power of the Sun, fire in the night
We leave behind, that which blinds, to restore our sig

Summer Solstice
On or around June 21
Litha, Summer Solstice or Midsummer is a celebration of the Goddess and God at the height of their power.  They are the King and Queen of the fertile lands, and together they rule over the fertile, growing Earth.  Their mature love for each other ensures the success of the ripening crops. The Goddess heavy with pregnancy mirroring the heavily laden fields, orchards and gardens. The God is the living representation of the summer sun, the Sun King who nurtures and protects the Earth Goddess.
The Sun God of Litha is also the Oak King, God of the light half of the year.  The Oak King is also at the height of His power, but a new challenge to his authority, the Holly King, God of the dark half of the year, is born on Summer Solstice. Though Litha marks the zenith of the Sun and the day of the longest light, it is also a day of sadness.  From this day forward the Oak King/Sun King will begin to falter and weaken, for with birth comes death,  the birth of the Holly King brings the death of the light half of the year and we begin to spiral into the darkness. We have begun to move towards winter.
The power of the Sun at Solstice is protective, healing, empowering, revitalizing and inspiring.  It adds a powerful charge to all spells, crystals and herbs.  Divination on this night is traditional.

Infinite Love and Light to All!!!


  1. How to celebrate the Summer Solstice as a soliatary witch
