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Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Wise Know

The Wise Know

The Wise know these three to be separate: wants, needs and Love.

By reducing their wants and needs, Love fills the spaciousness of their being.

They want only the end of suffering and fullness of Joy for all beings.

They need only that which enables them to fulfill their dharama.

They Love with abandon all of creation!

That is what it is to be wise.

That is what it is to be fully human.

Animals, even insects fight over territory, possessions and mates, kill each other for food and are constantly wary of attack, what makes you any different?

Distinguish yourself from these suffering life-forms.

You have a precious human birth, what are you doing with it?

Any creature can be angry, hurtful, fearful and greedy.

You can be compassionate, Loving, kind patient and free.

The world cries out for your humanity, wisdom and grace.

You are Tara.

You are Kwan Yin.

You are Mary. 

You are Jesus.

You are Krishna.

You are Buddha.

You are Kali.

Tat Twam Asi!
(That You Are)

Drop your masks, drop your delusions!


written by: Kalidas


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