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Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Loving Mother Within

The Loving Mother Within

Some how in my darkest and most painful moments, there is this small voice, a loving voice, a motherly voice within. "Joy, you are Love, you are stronger than you think you are. You can get through this, look at how far you have come." Somehow in my darkest moments there is always something there Lovingly, Motherly, I feel her wrapped around me, I feel her Love. Something mystical in nature perhaps. I see signs and gifts in nature as well. Perhaps my own estrangement to my Mother drives me ever closer to this connection. Love is the way...

This is not my usual type of read, but it resonates with me.

The Unruined Heart

The swords through your heart
are not the ones which caused your wounds,
but rather, these mighty swords of Strength,
were earned by your struggles through hard times.

Sword of Surrender: to withstand this time of learning.

Sword of Veils: to pierce the hidden meanings of this time.

Sword of Healing: to lance one's own agony, bitterness.

Sword of New Life: to cut through, cut loose, plant anew.

Sword of Courage: to speak up, row on, touch others.

Sword of Life Force: to draw from, lean on, purify.

Sword of Love: often heaviest to lift consistently;
turns one away from war, to instead,
fall into the arms of the Immaculate Strength.

O Immaculate Heart of My Mother,
give me shelter in the beautiful chambers of your heart.
Keep me strong, fierce, loving, and able in this world.
Remind me daily, that despite my imperfections,
my heart remains,
completely unruined.

Taken from:

Empress Tarot 

"Lady-Mother!" call the wandering souls. "We bring you gifts!" They fly near the Empress, dancing in the sky. They paint synchronized kaleidoscope choreographies for her pleasure, and she smiles as she takes it in. Her mind and her thoughts are the conductor to this visual symphony.
Gently, they lay a crown woven of the first buds of spring across her brow. "Jasmine and Lily of Valley have graciously donated their first buds for your coronet," the spirits sigh.
"The Apple Tree Man has gifted you with his fruit, and the Lady of the Fields her grains." These they lay in her basket.
With a sudden flourish, the spirits whirl together, then spin off in an explosion of light and music. "Farewell, dear Lady!" they call.

Meaning: Divine Feminine, internal Mother, Creativity, nurturing, abundance, fertility, experiencing the senses, and embracing the natural.

When are own mothers can not give us what we need we have to turn to the mother within, your internal mother. We have to understand ourselves and heal by touching ourselves with compassion, Love and forgiveness. This next portion is about the Mother Archetype within. Taken from Caroline Myss's book Sacred Contracts. "In Jungian psychologyarchetypes are highly developed elements of the collective unconscious. Being unconscious, the existence of archetypes can only be deduced indirectly by examining behavior, images, art, myths, religions, or dreams. Carl Jung understood archetypes as universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious and are the psychic counterpart of instinct. They are inherited potentials which are actualized when they enter consciousness as images or manifest in behavior on interaction with the outside world. They are autonomous and hidden forms which are transformed once they enter consciousness and are given particular expression by individuals and their cultures."

Mother (Matriarch, Mother Nature, Parent)
The Mother is the life-giver, the source of nurturing and nourishment, unconditional fountain of Love, patience, devotion, caring, and unselfish acts. This archetype is the keeper and protector of life, from children to the family to (in the greater Mother Nature archetype)the earth and all Life. Mother Nature, also known as Gaia, is the Goddess of Life, the caretaker of the living environment of this planet. She is recognized as powerful, and when storms leave death and destruction in their wake, she may be referred to as wrathful. The power of compassion and the endless capacity to forgive her children and put them before herself are essential to Good Mother. The Devouring, Abusive, Abandoning, and Working Mother each represent different aspects of this primal archetype within the entire human community.

Although Mothers have always worked, the contemporary archetye of the Career or Working Mother reflects the crises experienced by many woman who seek also to be devoted mothers. Measured against the impossible mythic ideal of the Perfect Mother, the Career Mom is sometimes assumed unfairly to be a mother who puts her own needs before those of the children. This is an archetypal crisis for many women.

The Devouring Mother "consumes" her children psychologically and emotionally and often instills in them feelings of guilt at leave her or becoming independent. The Abusive and Abandoning Mother violate natural law by harming their own young.

Connections to the Mother archetype are not to be measured only by whether a woman is a biological mother. If you are intimately connected to nurturing and protecting the environment, including gardening or farming or supporting any life form, you should strongly consider whether your bond to Mother Nature is part of a lifelong devotions that defines you. (This part resonates with me, I am not a biological mother, but I feel I am a Mother to Animals, Plants and Humans)You may also recognize a strong bond to the Mother archetype in the form of one or all of her shadows. While it is difficult to admit, some women may have to face the fact their children see them through the shadow aspects of the Mother, including the Abusive and Abandoning Mother.

Just as women can have a real connection to the Father archetype when they take on the paternal role in the household, so some men may relate to being "Mr. Mom," yet another contemporary sculpting of the Mother archetype. The qualities that are associated with the archetype can be expressed in other than biological ways, such as giving birth to books or by nurturing others.

Thank you for reading Infinite Love to All!!!


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