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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Our Sexual and Woven Connection

Yesterday as I sat among the rock formations and tress of the Gila I felt a change come upon me. I could feel the soul of that place as a delicate feather touch upon all my senses and, in that moment, a light began to emanate from every stone, every plant and every tree, even the soil itself. I dropped then into a silence as deep and still as any I have known. And as I listened I began to hear, as Aldo Leopold said I would, the music that lies deep within these hills.

It seemed as if I had come home to a place I had always known, the place in which my true family resides. I felt companioned, and Loved, and as I began to look deeper, I could sense, even see, the living connections between everything around me; there were golden threads moving through the world, weaving all the apparently separate organisms and objects together. I reached out and touched the nearest and a certain feeling came over me. And I suddenly realized I could follow that feeling through my enhanced sensing, home to where it originated, deep in the foundations of the world.

I shot this with a Cannon 30D
I let myself go. And as I moved deeper, following the thread home, I began to discover unexpected truths about each and every thing that that particular thread passed through. I saw the flower menstruate and the pine pollen is filled with testosterone and that our sexuality is only a specific instance of a general condition. And as I continued on, I began to understand that the innovation we call sex is woven deeply into every aspect of what we call Earth.

Then as I grew tired, my gaze began to relax. I realized irrevocably, there is no part of this world, including myself, that is not connected to every other part; the surface that we have taken to be the world is but the beginning.

Luba Shumeyko
...If you are uncomfortable seeing penis and labia unconcealed in the stark of day, if you hide this part of you among cultural and physoloical confusions, refuse to see the presence of sex every place and in every thing of the Earth, you can never understand Earth, never truly act for Earth. For those confusions will enter every act you subsequently take and spread the human confusion ever more widely. This how unforeseen consequences spread from good intent.

And sex is fundamental to system functioning. Unsurprisingly, frequent sex stimulates the formation of new neurons in neural networks, irrespective of the type of age of the organism. Sensory gating channels open more widely, cognition improves, functionality increases, homeodynamics improves. Chastity is ecological nonfunctional.

Semen is Latin for a dormant, fertilized, plant ovum--a seed. Men's ejaculate is chemically more akin to plant pollen. See, it is really more accurate to call it mammal pollen.

To call it semen is to thrust an insanity deep inside our culture: that men plow women and plant their seed when, in fact, what they are doing is pollinating flowers.

From spores to wind pollination to pollinator pollination to animal sex, Gaia has innovated throughout her long life. To understand her means to understand sex is ever present in the world. So much as we hide from our sexuality, so, too do we blind ourselves to the true nature of Earth.

Excerpt taken from: Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm: Beyond the Doors of Perception into the Dreaming of Earth purchase on


  1. Lions mating, they mate 3 times within 7 minutes, their mating ritual...
