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Monday, April 6, 2015

Tears and The Holidays

Tears and The Holidays

Tears and the Holidays, the holidays for some can be a very Beautiful time full of memory making, reunions, good cooking, laughter, games and together time with family and friends. I grew up in a household that celebrated the holidays in their fullness, I am blessed to have so many Beautiful memories. Sometimes life happens and changes things and circumstances, the relationship with my family has changed and in the end causing me to divorce my family. I had to do what was best for me, I am almost three years away from the day I made that decision. The first year of holidays were the hardest, every year it gets easier, but there is always something in my heart that aches for my family that day. I have learned it is okay to cry, I find my tears healing and find wisdom and comfort as I cry, I give myself a big hug internally.

Many of my friends are going through their own situations that are causing them heart ache today. For some it is the first year of their life change. I know how this feels and send them and anyone else reading this Infinite Love. I wanted to leave you with some words from one of my favorite books by Clarissa Pinkola Estes Ph.D., Women Who Run With The Wolves. I highly recommend this book.

"I am amazed how little women cry nowadays, and then apologetically. I worry when shame or disuse begins to steal away such a natural function. To be a flowering tree and to be moist is essential, otherwise you will break. Crying is good, it is right. It does not cure dilemma, but it enables the process to continue instead of collapsing. And now, the maiden's life as she has known it, her understanding of life to this point, is over, and she goes to another level of the underworld. And we continue in her footsteps. We go onward, even though we are vulnerable and peeled of ego-protection, like a tree skinned of bark. Yet we are so powerful, for we have learned to sling the devil across the yard."

"C.S. Lewis wrote about the bottle of child's tears that heals any wound with just one drop. Tears, in mythos, melt the icy heart. In "The Stone Child." a story I've amplified from a song-poem given to me years ago...Mary Uukalat, a boy's hot tears caused a cold stone to break open, releasing a protective spirit...tears have been cried by a true heart; these the demon considers, "holy water."...

There are times in a woman's life when she cries and cries and cries, and even though she has succor and support of her loved ones, still and yet she cries. Something in this crying keeps the predator away, keeps away unhealthy desire or gain to ruin her. Tears are part of the mending of rips in the psyche where energy has leaked and leaked away. The matter is serious, but the worse does not occur--our light is not stolen--for tears make us conscious. There is not chance to go back to sleep when one is weeping. Whatever sleep comes then is only rest for the physical body.

Sometimes a woman says, " I am sick of crying, I am tired of it, I want it to stop." But it is her soul that is making the tears, and they are her protection. So she must keep on till the time of need is over. Some women marvel at all the water their bodies can produce when they weep. This will not last forever, only till the soul is done with its wise expression."

Tears...the soul's wise expression. Sending Infinite Love to you....


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