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The Rune Ehwaz
EHWAZ - Movement, Progress, Horse
Ehwaz is a rune of passage, of transition and movement: location changes, relocation, new attitudes or new life. This rune also represents movement, such as improving a situation. This rune is combined with gradual development and continuous progress, even slow growth of some changes and transformations. Conversely, movement that seems to block. Make sure that what you do or do not do happens at the right time. There are no missed opportunities, we only need to recognize that not all opportunities are intended for us.
Corresponding Tarot Cards: Wheel of Fortune, Chariot
or Ehwo
E a as in "day"
The horse was more than just a means of transportation to the early Germans.It was a sacred animal related to the cult of the sun. The sun was envisioned as riding across the heavens in his chariot drawn by shining steeds. Tacitus writes in his Germania;
Kept at public exPense in these same (consecrated)
woods and groves are white horses, pure from the
taint of earthly labor; these are yoked to a sacred car,
and accompanied by the priest and the king, or chief
of the tribe, who note their neighings and snortings'
At Trundholm, Denmark was discovered a bronze chariot
which represents the solar disk being drawn by a horse' The disk was originally covered in gold leaf, most of which has fallen off. Both horse and chariot are mounted on wheels, perhaps to be pulled along in a procession. The wheels are of four spokes u.rd ,r".y similar to the ten wheels that support the solar altar de-scribed under the Sigel rune. This model of the chariot of the sun has been dated by some authority's as t'ilrly irs 1000 llC.
From The Book Rune Magic by Donald Tyson, you can read Here
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Artist Brian Foud |
Names: GMC ehioaz: horse, or ehwo: the two horses, war horse ON ior: horse (used only in cultic contexts, and not found in the Younger Futhark)
Esoteric interpretation of name: the twin gods or heroes in equine aspect.
Ideographic interpretation: two upright poles bound together to symbolize the divine twins (the Bronze Age symbol Jl" represented these divinities); also the sign of two horses facing one another.
Ehwo represents the power of the twin gods. This power construct is a reflection of a dual form of Germanic kingship. These leaders often were represented mythically as horses. Here we think of Hengist (stallion) and Horsa (horse), the Saxon conquerors of Britain. Also, the name of the twin gods of the Veda, the Asvinau, literally means "the two horses." The harmonious relationship between the two forces represented in the dual construct is emphasized, rather than the defensive and outwardly directed power expressed in the Z-rune. All this points to the close relationship between man and horse felt by the Indo-Europeans in general and the Germanic peoples in particular. The horse is a source of numinous knowledge, and horses often were consulted by the ancient Germanic priests in divinatory rites. The ehwaz is a spiritual quality closely connected to mankind
imannas}, In Old Norse it is said: marr er manns fylgja (the horse is a man's fetch). The bind rune of M and 1"\ is (em), which means "I am." The E-rune facilitates the journey between the worlds of Yggdrasill-the vitki may literally ride its power through the reality. Ehwaz is the rune of Slcipnir. Lore of the Elder Futhark 59
Many runic talismans portray a man riding a horse as a symbol form
for integrated magical protection, under the rulership of Odhinn, This is the otherworldly aspect of ehioaz, but the horse also is connected with fertility magic, and thus to Freyr, the god of fertility, peace, and sensuality. This is a rune of trust and loyalty. The spiritual relationship that a horseman develops for his horse is a good illustration of the might of this rune. There is much power to be gained in this secret. Ehwaz is the combination of itoo sympathetic, yet dually arrayed forces or entities (such as man/horse, horse/chariot, body/soul) that work harmoniously together toward one goal (see the TH-rune for the contrasting concept).
The rune is the symbol of the ideal man-woman relationship
and thus is the mystery of lawful marriage.
Key words:
Harmonious duality
Vehicle of otherworldly journeys
Trust, loyalty
Ehwaz Yoga Pose:
Blessed Bee,
Aphrodite Calling
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