The Making of Runes and Their Meaning
My divination tool has been Tarot for many years, I work with the cards everyday. The inner voice within is leading me to the runes. My first sighting and experience with the runes was in Scotland, which is also my birthplace. I currently am creating many sets of runes for my dancing sisters. Something that spirit led me to do. I hope to learn much from the runes and I hope my dancing sisters enjoy them as well. The creation itself is act of meditation and Magick. The story of Odin and the origin of the runes is inspirational. Odin was much like Jesus, Buddha or Osiris. Odin like them sacrificed himself, he sacrificed himself for wisdom and knowledge, the runes.
I posted a few books about runes from my library on Google Drive for you to read and enjoy.
How to Get Started With Using Runes
Find a quiet place to do your reading and start by having a period of quiet, where you clear your mind and focus on the reading you’re about to do. Think about the issue or question you have in mind or you can leave your mind blank and see where the runes direct your subconscious. If you so desire, you can say a prayer or call upon higher spirits to guide you with your reading.
Your rune cloth should be spread on the table in front of you, ready for the runes to lay upon it.
There are various different types of rune castings you can do – which are similar in idea to tarot layouts – but on your very first attempt, you might just like to start by picking out between one rune and analyzing its significance. Before reading the meaning notice how the symbol makes you feel.
This is also quite a useful method to use if you’re feeling unsure or uncertain – picking out one single rune can give you something to focus on.
Once you feel happy to progress, then have a go at some of the rune layouts and casts.
How to Choose the runes to use: There is no right way to choose a rune for your layout. Listen to yourself. Here are some suggestive ways.
Layouts: There are many layouts for runes, like tarot. I like to use a Compass read in tarot. Here are two examples of rune layouts:
Beautiful layouts and decks
How to Get Started With Using Runes
Find a quiet place to do your reading and start by having a period of quiet, where you clear your mind and focus on the reading you’re about to do. Think about the issue or question you have in mind or you can leave your mind blank and see where the runes direct your subconscious. If you so desire, you can say a prayer or call upon higher spirits to guide you with your reading.
Your rune cloth should be spread on the table in front of you, ready for the runes to lay upon it.
There are various different types of rune castings you can do – which are similar in idea to tarot layouts – but on your very first attempt, you might just like to start by picking out between one rune and analyzing its significance. Before reading the meaning notice how the symbol makes you feel.
This is also quite a useful method to use if you’re feeling unsure or uncertain – picking out one single rune can give you something to focus on.
Once you feel happy to progress, then have a go at some of the rune layouts and casts.
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http://lakandiwa.deviantart. |
How to Choose the runes to use: There is no right way to choose a rune for your layout. Listen to yourself. Here are some suggestive ways.
- Pass your hands over the runes and choose which one you are guided to or if you get a warmth or tingle in your hand.
- You can mix the bag and pull out of the bag one by one.
- You can dump the bag and see which ones lay upwards and downwards.
- Or if there is another way you are guided to choose a rune.
Layouts: There are many layouts for runes, like tarot. I like to use a Compass read in tarot. Here are two examples of rune layouts:
Beautiful layouts and decks
According to myth, the god Oðin discovered the runes as a result of a deliberate self-sacrificial ritual.
Wounded I hung on a wind-swept gallows
For nine long nights,
Pierced by a spear, pledged to Odin,
Offered, myself to myself
The wisest know not from whence spring
The roots of that ancient rood.
They gave me no bread,
They gave me no mead,
I looked down;
With a loud cry
I took up runes;
From that tree I fell.
- from The Words of the High One (Hávamál) - translated from the original Icelandic by W. H. Auden and P. B. Taylor.
"These lines describe a magical ritual of initiation involving the death of the mundane self and rebirth into the higher mysteries. The position of the god on the tree is that of the Hanged Man of the Tarot-suspended head downward, he peers not only into the depths of the earth but into the depths of his own being. The runes are the sacred symbols of his Higher Self. But once they are his, all things become possible. His bonds fall off and the weary god drops to the earth the runes seared upon his heart.
Rune means secret. In German it is related to the word for whispering. In modern times any obscure markings are referred to as runes. The word connotes the mysterious, the unknown, the supernatural. This is fitting because runes have always been foremost a magical device, and only secondarily a mode of writing."-From the book Rune Magic, by Donald Tyson. You can read on my Google Drive

In Småland, there are five or six runestones that mention voyages to England. One of them (Sm 77) mentions a man who was a marshal (stallari) in England.This runestone is located in Transjö. It is one of the older stones as it is in the style RAK. The runes are unusual as the m-runes are dotted and the k-runes have a stroke to the left instead of to the right. The stone was raised in memory of a son who died in England named Ketill, who was described as being óníðingr. Óníðingr, which with the ó- prefix means the opposite of the Old Norse pejorative word níðingr, was used to describe a man as being virtuous and is translated in the Rundata database as "unvillainous."
I will post more as my journey into the runes continues.
Blessed Bee,
Aphrodite Calling
mikael shadows god of vengeance