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Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Rune Jera

The Rune Jera

Success in endeavors, fruition of plans. Good spirits. Just rewards for past efforts. Inventiveness, talent or skill. Great reward to those who work with their hands or on the land.
Jera as Rune No. 12 represents the 12 months of the year. It implies fruitfulness, profit or achievement of a goal. It also means the cycle of seasons implying movement, change, natural development. .It is usually very positive, but as a symbol of cause-and-effect it may portend the end-result of past actions. Jera may therefore represent justice, which can be 
positive or negative, a reward or a punishment.

Pronunciation: “yare-awe”

Artist Brian Froud

JERA - Harvest, Fertile Phase, One Year

Jera, eine Rune des guten Gelingens, bezieht sich auf jede Aktivera, a rune of good success, refers to any activity or effort you devote yourself. To see this rune is an encouragement to remain in good spirits. But you should know that quick results cannot be achieved. A period is always associated, therefore the keyword "one year", which stands as a symbol for the full cycle of time that is before the harvest or exemption/liberation.
Tarot Card Correspondence:
The Wheel and The World

To dig deeper in the Magick:

Futhark a Book of Rune Magic by Edred Thorsson, you can read Here

Rune Magic by Donald Tyson, you can read Here

Harvest is the specific meaning of this rune, but for general
purposes, cycle may be more useful. It indicates the coming full
circle of the year when the labor in the fields during spring and
summer is repaid in autumn. The ancient Germans did not
recognize autumn as a season. According to Tacitus, they acknowl-
edged only spring, summer and winter. Perhaps they regarded
autumn as a summing up of the entire year, rather than as a
separate and equal quarter.

Generalized Ger is any revolution or cycle of change. A
change of luck. A cycle of life. All natural cycles such as the
phases of the moon. The change of the seasons. Ger has vari-
ously been defined by scholars as year, spring, summer and har-
vest season. Its broader meaning encompasses all these.

For the Teutons, the most obvious cycle was the change
from winter to summer, and from summer to winter. The joys
and plenties of the harvest are opposed to the silent hardship
signaled by the freezing over of the lakes, rivers and ocean. The
stillness of Is is in sharp contrast to the cyclic motion of Ger. In
winter everything stops; with the return of the sun, things begin
to move once again. Ger is change, and change is always

Even the shape of Ger suggests this whirling energy. It is a
tourbillion, a vortex of active forces. The alternate form of Ger
shows an axis through the center of a circle. This is a Hindu sym-
bol for generation.

Magically, Ger is used to bring about an inversion of cir-
cumstance. It revolves the wheel of fortune and makes the high
to be low and the low to be high. It causes events to come full cir-
cle. More esoterically, it is used to actualize desire by making
inner vision into physical reality. The fruition of designs.

[era embodies the cyclical pattern of the universe expressed in the
formula arising-being/becoming-passing-away to new arising. This is
a basic pattern working throughout the rune row. The J-rune is one
of the two "central runes" in the scheme of the Elder Futhark, and it
defines the cyclical nature of the ever-becoming horizontal plane. It is
the secret of the omnipresent circumference.

This is the mystery of the twelve-fold cycle of the yearly solar
cycle. I\aidho is the daily path and guiding force of the sun, [era her
yearly path, and sowilo the archetypal sun herself.

[era is the reward for honorable, right, and lawful (natural) past
action. This has no real moral implications-it is a natural law. If the
sowing is done correctly, according to tradition, and "luck" (hamingja)
is with you, then the reaping should be great. It is the fruition of
efforts well spent toward a willed or instinctual goal. This is true and
valid for the numinous as well as phenomenological realms.

The cosmic fertility aspect of this rune points to the Vanic god
Freyr, who is invoked til ars ok fridhar (for good season [harvest] and

The Old Norse name ar provides us with the popular association
of this rune with the eagle (ON ari) as a symbol of the swift flight of
the archetypal sun.

Stand upright with right arm bent so that the
thumb of the right hand touches the crown of
the head. The left arm is bent at the same
angle with the fingertips of the left hand
touching the left hip bone.

Blessed Bee,
Aphrodite Calling


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