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Sunday, May 17, 2015



This is an ancient solar symbol featuring a circle with its center marked with a dot. It is the astronomical and astrological symbol for the Sun, and the ancient Egyptian sign for "sun" or "Ra" in the hieroglyphicwriting system. The character for "sun" or "day" in early Chinese script was similar. It is also the symbol for Gold, Au.

One main goal of the alchemists was to produce gold from other substances, such as lead — presumably by the interaction with a mythical substance called the philosopher's stone, also called the Emerald Tablet. The alchemists promoted an interest in what can be done with substances, and this laid a foundation for today's chemistry. Their symbol for gold was the circle with a point at its center (☉), which was also the astrological symbol and the ancient Chinese character for the Sun.

You are already at One with the One, but it is very easy forget... 

Alchemy is the process by which each of us moves from our primal state of unconsciousness, through the various alchemical stages represented by our most elemental experiences, to the realization of full awakening, or enlightenment. It is the interactive dance through which we are constantly weaving spirit and matter into the multidimensional tapestry of life. Alchemy is a process that spirals from cycle to cycle, ever upward and forward, repeating itself as required to transform and change us through the experiences of our body, soul, psyche, and spirit. In alchemical terminology it is called the Opus, or Great Work. The higher state of consciousness and self-understanding that results includes recognition of our connection to the spirit world and awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings.
The goal of the Great Work is called, among other things, the philosophers’ stone, the universal medicine, alchemical gold, and the elixir of life. It is the interpenetration of spirit and matter—the spiritualization of our material selves, and the materialization of our spiritual essence.

"As Hermes never tires of telling us, over and over, over and over; the One thing and the One mind are One. He means that mind and body, Soul and Spirit, male and female, positive and negative, Above and Below, are all One. All sexes, all races, all species, all life is One. All life, all death; all heroes, all villains; all angels, all demons; all gods, all devils are One. Unless you find the One Presence within you, you cannot escape the illusory theater of duality, even for an instant. 

The message of the Ouroboros, "All is One," is basis of the alchemical principle of changing one thing into another. Alchemical transformation would not be possible unless everything were really One.

Rosicrucian alchemists sometimes referred to the Stone as the "Telesma," which meant a self perfecting psychical presence similar to our modern idea of the genetics behind nature or evolution. By working with the Telesma, the alchemists hope to speed up the process of our species' evolution, to truly participate in the work of nature, to affect it to transform it, making of it not an evolutionary phenomenon but a revolutionary happening within one's own lifetime. The Stone is an emerging pattern that resulted from the tireless work of the alchemists in past millennia. It is our true legacy, a gift to each of us from each of them. Balinas even included it in his will. We can make of it a true presence within us or we can throw it away. The choice is ours..."

To remember your connection with the One...


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