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Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Wolf's Eyelash

The Wolf’s Eyelash
By Clarissa Pinkola Estes Ph.D.
If you don’t go out in the woods, nothing will ever happen and your life will never begin.

“Don’t go out in the woods, don’t go out,” they said.

“Why not? Why should I not go out in the woods tonight?” she asked.

“A big wolf lives there who eats humans such as you. Don’t go out in the woods, don’t go out. We mean it.”

Naturally she went out. She went out in the woods anyway, and of course she met the wolf, just as they had warned her.

“See, we told you,” they crowed.

“This is my life, not a fairy tale, you dolts,” she said. “I have to go to the woods, and I have to meet the wolf, or else my life will never begin.”

But the wolf she encountered was in a trap, in a trap this wolf’s leg was in.

“Help me, oh help me! Aieeeee, aieeee, aieeee!” cried the wolf. “Help me, oh help me!” he cried, “and I shall reward you justly.” For this is the way of wolves in tales of this kind.

“How do I know you won’t harm me?” she asked–it was her job to ask questions. “How do I know you will not kill me and leave me lying in my bones?”

“Wrong question,” said this wolf. “You’ll just have to take my word for it.” And the wolf began to cry and wail once again and more.

“Oh, aieee! Aieeee! Aieeee!
There’s only one question 
worthy asking fair maiden,
aieeeee th’

“Oh you wolf, I will take a chance. Alright, here!” And she sprang the trap and the wolf drew out its paw and this she bound with herbs and grasses.

“Ah, thank you kind maiden, thank you,” sighed the wolf. And because she had read too many of the wrong kind of tales, she cried, “Go ahead and kill me now, and let us get this over with.”

But no, this did not come to pass. Instead this wolf put his paw upon her arm.

“I’m a wolf from another time and place,” said he. And plucking a lash from his eye, he gave it to her and said, “Use this, and be wise. From now on you will know who is good and not so good; just look through my eyes and you will see clearly.

For letting me live, 
I bid you live
in a manner as never before.
Remember, there’s only one question
worthy asking fair maiden,
aieeeee th’

And so she went back to her village,
happy to still have her life.
And this time as they said,
“Just stay here and be my bride," 
or "Do as I tell you," 
or "Say as I want you to say,
and remain as unwritten upon 
as the day you came,”
she held up the wolf’s eyelash
and peered through
and saw their motives
as she had not seen them before.
And the next time 
the butcher weighed the meat,
she looked through her wolf’s eyelash
and saw that he weighed his thumb too.
And she looked at her suitor
who said “I am so good for you,”
and she saw that her suitor 
was so good for exactly nothing.
And in this way and more,
she was saved,
from not all,
but from many 

But more so, in this new seeing, not only did she see the sly and cruel, she began to grow immense in heart, for she looked at each person and weighed them anew through this gift from the wolf she had rescued.

And she saw those who were truly kind
and went near to them,
and found her mate
and stayed all the days of her life,
she discerned the brave
and came close to them,
she apprehended the faithful
and joined with them,
she saw bewilderment under anger
and hastened to soothe it,
she saw love in the eyes of the shy
and reached out to them,
she saw suffering in the stiff-lipped
and courted their laughter,
she saw need in the man with no words
and spoke for him,
she saw faith deep in the woman,
who said she had none,
and rekindled hers from her own.
She saw all things
with her lash of wolf
all things true,
and all things false,
all things turning against life
and all things turning toward life,
all things seen only
through the eyes of that
which weighs the heart with heart,
and not with mind alone.

This is how she learned that it is true what they say, that the wolf is the wisest of all. If you listen closely, the wolf in its howling is always asking the most important question–not where is the next food, not where is the next fight, not where is the next dance?—

but the most important question 
in order to see into and behind,
to weigh the value of all that lives,
aieeeee th’
aieeeee th’
Where is the soul?
Where is the soul?

Go out in the woods, go out. If you don’t go out in the woods, nothing will ever happen and your life will never begin.

Go out in the woods,
go out.
Go out in the woods,
go out,
Go out in the woods,
go out.

Steppenwolf- Born To Be Wild

Friday, May 22, 2015



Who are you?

Have you remembered

Or are you still forgetting--

Forgetting and searching,

Searching to fill the incomplete.

Filling with the outer the false and temporary,

Leaving you feeling emptier than before.

Are you happy with your yesterdays?

Happy enough to choose the same yesterdays tomorrow?

Or are you ready--

Ready to remember,

Remember who you are,

Choosing new tomorrows,

Breaking the string of yesterdays,

Finding Fullness,

Fullness with the inner and eternal truth,

The truth that no filling is necessary,

Leaving you more filled than ever,

Lasting forever.

Finally remembering the real.

Reunited unified.



Imagine yourself on a solitary rocket ship leaving the Earth with an explosive roar, a feeling of moving at the speed of light, and then:

There was a total silence and stillness, and I was peacefully afloat in an endless, timeless place of completeness. My ordinary sense of myself and the everyday world disappeared, and whatever was left of that self was floating like a brilliant point of light in a sky filled with other points of light.

I was not just a star in the sky, I was a whole Universe of sky filled with uncountable points of light spread out in every direction, flashing, twinkling, and intermingling as points of myself. These points of light seemed to be a living continuation of my whole self, or else I as an extension of them, seeing and feeling as one being and somehow knowing all there ever was to know.

This oneness of light, Love and self sparkled and flowed in perfect union, riding on long, slow, pulsing waves of color, and in this state, if someone had asked me to explain all there was to know, I could have said it all in two words--I AM.

Kundalini Rising: Exploring the Energy of Awakening by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

Please enjoy the journey of this Guided Mediation

Journey to the great "I AM"
Best in resting position seated or laying down with headphones.

Behold there is magic all around us
Awaken, rejoice and sing
I Am
This song came on as I was writing. I personally know the artist, I wish I could put into words how Amazing and Beautiful she is...please listen

Here I AM

My Favorite song...


Kundalini Invocation

Shree Kundalini Invocation

“When you succeed in awakening the Kundalini, so that it starts to move out of its mere potentiality, you necessarily start a world which is totally different from our world. It is the world of eternity.” -Carl Jung

O Kundalini Devi, 
though known by a thousand names
no one can merely summon you.
Yet, the scent of Love from sweet ripe souls
instantly draws you near!

Dancing as bliss,
casting off sparks of the infinite delight,
you set souls ablaze!
Ignite us like a torch
my Beloved!
Throw the sodden logs of mind and body
onto your conflagration of Love!
Release the light and life
hidden within us!

O my Beloved,
whether clothed in form
or moving through the universe unseen, 
graceful holy spirit,
protector of lovers of Divine,
You are inseparable
from the eternal One.

Embracing all seekers wandering the worlds
You usher them home
to delight in true freedom.
May we be worthy of your 
boundless love and protection.

O my beloved Kundalini,
awaken seekers to sublime play
of hide and seek!
There's nothing You can't create!
You take forms that delude or enlighten,
lead us astray or draw us into your arms.
Delivering the fruits of our choices,
refining our discrimination,
You reveal the power you've given us
to create every reality.
Grant that we remain ever vigilant
of the power we wield
and guide us to use it only 
in the service of Love and compassion.

Plucking a strand of light from you countenance,
even as it forever vibrates with OM,
You string luminous jewels of consiousness
upon this thread
and spin a multi-colored shimmering web
of mind and body around it.
There You are,
throbbing with us,
piercing the veils,
inviting us to follow your Love call!
May we remain true to even the sublest
sounds of your voice.

You've taken the form of bindu,
exalted portal shrouded in mystery,
confounding all but those empty of self.
Carry us through your gateway to the Infinite,
known only through union with You.

In your earthly domain 
You embrace your Beloved.
Taking the ancient,
yet ever-new serpentine form,
You coil round Him in pure delight!

In your transcendent abode
You both disappear!
No one can say 
where Lover and Beloved have gone!

You are the path of Love,
You reveal the power of devotion
and take form of its fruits,
nourishing your seeking self.
Give us wisdom
to take refuge in You alone.

Your inexhaustible Light illumines our path,
freeing us from all pain born of your ignorance.
You become sounds and mantras,
words and scriptures,
gods and goddesses
out of your boundless compassion
and unfathomable yearning to set us free.
What won't you become
to meet your seekers' needs?
What won't you give of yourself
to ease our way to freedom?
You generosity humbles us.
Please open your hearts to all!

O my Beloved,
There's nothing you won't reveal
to the wise soul humbled by knowing
their afflictions.
Mother of the universe,
by Your grace I now see
all forms are Your form.
Regardless of how You appear in the moment,
enemy or friend,
wise or foolish,
let me worship You 
with offerings of Loving kindess,
Joy and delight.

O beloved Kundalini,
adored form of Ma Kali,
You illumine her darkest mysteries!
Dwelling in the hearts of all my dearest,
I bow to You.

O graceful Lady of Light,
release me from the bonds of suffering,
extinguish all cravings
save the one for You
I beg You my Beloved,
Let me serve You
until all are free.

Offered by Kalidas October 2013

Awakened Kundalini empowers us to see fully, to delight in all of it is as our own self and regain the direct experience of our ever-present, never broken, all encompassing wholeness. Maps such as ones of the chakras, nadis, and the subtle body help guide us on the the journey to fully expanded consciousness.  

Whether we call Her Shakti Kundalini, the Great Goddess, Kali, Bhagavati Prajnaparamita, Tara, Holy Mother, or some other name, She bestows the awareness that our body is the body of the Universe. Our body is her body. Our awareness encompasses everything from the core of an atom to the grand expanse of the dance of galaxies moving through billions of light-years of space--all of that is within the infinite expanse of consciousness. The consciousness is our being. For this reason the full realization of Kundalini is beyond the mind; it's beyond anything that the mind can fantasize. The mind is of the nature of limited knowing, and so it has to surrender to the fact that direct knowing of that which is unlimited is and experience that lies beyond it. It waits at the gates. It can be informed by it. Our mind can be infused with boundless Love, wisdom, compassion, and awareness that is a precinct of knowing, a domain of knowing, that is beyond the mind. However, it is not beyond knowing, because it's the direct experience of the Infinite that Kundalini bestows. That is why she is known as the power of revelation. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Wise Know

The Wise Know

The Wise know these three to be separate: wants, needs and Love.

By reducing their wants and needs, Love fills the spaciousness of their being.

They want only the end of suffering and fullness of Joy for all beings.

They need only that which enables them to fulfill their dharama.

They Love with abandon all of creation!

That is what it is to be wise.

That is what it is to be fully human.

Animals, even insects fight over territory, possessions and mates, kill each other for food and are constantly wary of attack, what makes you any different?

Distinguish yourself from these suffering life-forms.

You have a precious human birth, what are you doing with it?

Any creature can be angry, hurtful, fearful and greedy.

You can be compassionate, Loving, kind patient and free.

The world cries out for your humanity, wisdom and grace.

You are Tara.

You are Kwan Yin.

You are Mary. 

You are Jesus.

You are Krishna.

You are Buddha.

You are Kali.

Tat Twam Asi!
(That You Are)

Drop your masks, drop your delusions!


written by: Kalidas

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Our Sexual and Woven Connection

Yesterday as I sat among the rock formations and tress of the Gila I felt a change come upon me. I could feel the soul of that place as a delicate feather touch upon all my senses and, in that moment, a light began to emanate from every stone, every plant and every tree, even the soil itself. I dropped then into a silence as deep and still as any I have known. And as I listened I began to hear, as Aldo Leopold said I would, the music that lies deep within these hills.

It seemed as if I had come home to a place I had always known, the place in which my true family resides. I felt companioned, and Loved, and as I began to look deeper, I could sense, even see, the living connections between everything around me; there were golden threads moving through the world, weaving all the apparently separate organisms and objects together. I reached out and touched the nearest and a certain feeling came over me. And I suddenly realized I could follow that feeling through my enhanced sensing, home to where it originated, deep in the foundations of the world.

I shot this with a Cannon 30D
I let myself go. And as I moved deeper, following the thread home, I began to discover unexpected truths about each and every thing that that particular thread passed through. I saw the flower menstruate and the pine pollen is filled with testosterone and that our sexuality is only a specific instance of a general condition. And as I continued on, I began to understand that the innovation we call sex is woven deeply into every aspect of what we call Earth.

Then as I grew tired, my gaze began to relax. I realized irrevocably, there is no part of this world, including myself, that is not connected to every other part; the surface that we have taken to be the world is but the beginning.

Luba Shumeyko
...If you are uncomfortable seeing penis and labia unconcealed in the stark of day, if you hide this part of you among cultural and physoloical confusions, refuse to see the presence of sex every place and in every thing of the Earth, you can never understand Earth, never truly act for Earth. For those confusions will enter every act you subsequently take and spread the human confusion ever more widely. This how unforeseen consequences spread from good intent.

And sex is fundamental to system functioning. Unsurprisingly, frequent sex stimulates the formation of new neurons in neural networks, irrespective of the type of age of the organism. Sensory gating channels open more widely, cognition improves, functionality increases, homeodynamics improves. Chastity is ecological nonfunctional.

Semen is Latin for a dormant, fertilized, plant ovum--a seed. Men's ejaculate is chemically more akin to plant pollen. See, it is really more accurate to call it mammal pollen.

To call it semen is to thrust an insanity deep inside our culture: that men plow women and plant their seed when, in fact, what they are doing is pollinating flowers.

From spores to wind pollination to pollinator pollination to animal sex, Gaia has innovated throughout her long life. To understand her means to understand sex is ever present in the world. So much as we hide from our sexuality, so, too do we blind ourselves to the true nature of Earth.

Excerpt taken from: Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm: Beyond the Doors of Perception into the Dreaming of Earth purchase on